Understanding Psychology 10th Edition Pdf

Understanding Psychology (10th Edition) Paperback. 4.3 out of 5 stars 42. Revel for Understanding Psychology - Access Card (12th Edition) (What's New in Psychology) Misc. Morris Professor Emeritus.

Book Preface

Students First

If I were to use only two words to summarize my goal across the twelve editions of this introduction to psychology, as well as my teaching philosophy, that’s what I would say: Students first.

Editions for Essentials of Understanding Psychology: (Paperback published in 2006), (Paperback published in 2012), (Pape. Continuing Attention to Enduring Issues in Psychology Understanding Psychology, 10 th edition highlights the enduring issues that cut across and unite all subfields of psychology- Person-Situation, Nature-Nurture, Stability-Change, Diversity-Universality, and Mind-Body- to show students the surprising unity and coherence of the diverse and exciting science of psychology.

I believe that an effective introduction to a discipline must be oriented to students— informing them, engaging them, and exciting them about the fi eld and helping them connect it to their worlds.

The difference between this and earlier editions, though, is that now we have an array of digital tools available that allow students to study more effectively, and learn the material more deeply, than was ever before possible.


Students study more effectively with Smartbook .

Understanding Psychology Morris Textboo…

• Make It Effective. Powered by Learnsmart, SmartBook™ creates a personalized reading experience by highlighting the most impactful concepts a student needs to learn at that moment in time. This ensures that every minute spent with SmartBook™ is returned to the student as the most value-added minute possible.

• Make It Informed. Real-time reports quickly identify the concepts that require more attention from individual students— or the entire class. SmartBook™ detects
the content a student is most likely to forget and brings it back to improve longterm
knowledge retention. Students help inform the revision strategy.

• Make It Precise. Systematic and precise, a heat map tool collates data anonymously collected from thousands of students who used Connect Psychology’s Learnsmart.

• Make It Accessible. The data is graphically represented in a heat map as “hot
spots” showing specifi c concepts with which students had the most diffi culty. Revising these concepts, then, can make them more accessible for students.

Brief Contents

Preface xxv
C H A P T E R 1 Introduction to Psychology 2

  • M O D U L E 1 Psychologists at Work 5
  • M O D U L E 2 A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future 14
  • M O D U L E 3 Psychology’s Key Issues and Controversies 22

C H A P T E R 2 Psychological Research 30

  • M O D U L E 4 The Scientifi c Method 33
  • M O D U L E 5 Conducting Psychological Research 37
  • M O D U L E 6 Critical Research Issues 48

C H A P T E R 3 Neuroscience and Behavior 56

  • M O D U L E 7 Neurons: The Basic Elements of Behavior 59
  • M O D U L E 8 The Nervous System and the Endocrine System: Communicating Within the Body 68
  • M O D U L E 9 The Brain 76

C H A P T E R 4 Sensation and Perception 94

  • M O D U L E 1 0 Sensing the World Around Us 97
  • M O D U L E 1 1 Vision: Shedding Light on the Eye 102
  • M O D U L E 1 2 Hearing and the Other Senses 111
  • M O D U L E 1 3 Perceptual Organization: Constructing Our View of the World 124

C H A P T E R 5 States of Consciousness 138

  • M O D U L E 1 4 Sleep and Dreams 141
  • M O D U L E 1 5 Hypnosis and Meditation 154
  • M O D U L E 1 6 Drug Use: The Highs and Lows of Consciousness 161
Understanding Psychology 10th Edition Pdf

C H A P T E R 6 Learning 176

  • M O D U L E 1 7 Classical Conditioning 179
  • M O D U L E 1 8 Operant Conditioning 187
  • M O D U L E 1 9 Cognitive Approaches to Learning 200

C H A P T E R 7 Memory 210

Essentials Of Understanding Psychology Pdf

  • M O D U L E 2 0 The Foundations of Memory 213
  • M O D U L E 2 1 Recalling Long-Term Memories 225
  • M O D U L E 2 2 Forgetting: When Memory Fails 235

C H A P T E R 8 Cognition and Language 244

  • M O D U L E 2 3 Thinking and Reasoning 247
  • M O D U L E 2 4 Problem Solving 254
  • M O D U L E 2 5 Language 267

C H A P T E R 9 Intelligence 278

Understanding Psychology 10th Edition Pdf
  • M O D U L E 2 6 What Is Intelligence? 281
  • M O D U L E 2 7 Variations in Intellectual Ability 296
  • M O D U L E 2 8 Group Diff erences in Intelligence: Genetic and Environmental Determinants 300

C H A P T E R 1 0 Motivation and Emotion 308

  • M O D U L E 2 9 Explaining Motivation 311
  • M O D U L E 3 0 Human Needs and Motivation: Eat, Drink, and Be Daring 319
  • M O D U L E 3 1 Understanding Emotional Experiences 330

C H A P T E R 1 1 Sexuality and Gender 342

  • M O D U L E 3 2 Gender and Sex 345
  • M O D U L E 3 3 Understanding Human Sexual Response: The Facts of Life 357
  • M O D U L E 3 4 The Diversity of Sexual Behavior 363

C H A P T E R 1 2 Development 380

  • M O D U L E 3 5 Nature and Nurture: The Enduring Developmental Issue 383
  • M O D U L E 3 6 Prenatal Development: Conception to Birth 387
  • M O D U L E 3 7 Infancy and Childhood 394
  • M O D U L E 3 8 Adolescence: Becoming an Adult 412
  • M O D U L E 3 9 Adulthood 422

C H A P T E R 1 3 Personality 436

  • M O D U L E 4 0 Psychodynamic Approaches to Personality 439
  • M O D U L E 4 1 Trait, Learning, Biological and Evolutionary, and Humanistic Approaches to Personality 449
  • M O D U L E 4 2 Assessing Personality: Determining What Makes Us Distinctive 462

C H A P T E R 1 4 Health Psychology: Stress, Coping, and Well-Being 472

  • M O D U L E 4 3 Stress and Coping 475
  • M O D U L E 4 4 Psychological Aspects of Illness and Well-Being 487
  • M O D U L E 4 5 Promoting Health and Wellness 493

C H A P T E R 1 5 Psychological Disorders 502

  • M O D U L E 4 6 Normal Versus Abnormal: Making the Distinction 505
  • M O D U L E 4 7 The Major Psychological Disorders 515
  • M O D U L E 4 8 Psychological Disorders in Perspective 534

C H A P T E R 1 6 Treatment of Psychological Disorders 542

  • M O D U L E 4 9 Psychotherapy: Psychodynamic, Behavioral, and Cognitive Approaches to Treatment 545
  • M O D U L E 5 0 Psychotherapy: Humanistic, Interpersonal, and Group Approaches to Treatment 556
  • M O D U L E 5 1 Biomedical Therapy: Biological Approaches to Treatment 565

C H A P T E R 1 7 Social Psychology 576

  • M O D U L E 5 2 Attitudes and Social Cognition 579
  • M O D U L E 5 3 Social Infl uence and Groups 588
  • M O D U L E 5 4 Prejudice and Discrimination 596
  • M O D U L E 5 5 Positive and Negative Social Behavior 602

A P P E N D I X Going by the Numbers: Statistics in Psychology A-2

  • M O D U L E 5 6 Descriptive Statistics A-5
  • M O D U L E 5 7 Measures of Variability A-10
  • M O D U L E 5 8 Using Statistics to Answer Questions: Inferential Statistics and Correlation A-14
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Psychology 10th Edition Pdf

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